10 fun things to do on a nature walk with kids
1. Treasure Hunt
Take a few small things from home, hide them and voila, you have a treasure hunt! (Top tip remember to count your treasures before you hide them so you know how many to find!!)
2. Nature Art

3. Leave it to fate...
Toss a coin to decide which way to go! Heads for right and tails for left (or vice versa). Where will your adventure take you?!
4. Go Bird Spotting
Spot some common UK birds when you're out and about using this handy list from the Wildlife Trust. (Top tip take along some binoculars if you have them!)
For some at home bird spotting fun this weekend (29-31 January) join the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch. Find out more here.
5. Ultimate hide & seek
Take walkie talkies and dress up with camouflage face paints or clothes to become secret agents on a mission, or build a den for little ones to hide in.

6. DIY orienteering

7. Go on a nature scavenger hunt
Download our very own Little Green Radicals Scavenger Hunt here, look for something in every colour or play nature bingo. (Top tip take a magnifying glass to examine anything they find.)
8. Be a Little Green Explorer
Set your little ones some challenges to earn them Explorer points (or badges if you have them). You can download 5 suggested challenges here.
9. Keep it simple...