Let's make a rainbow! Half term craft activity for kids
plus you'll get a beautiful new ornament to keep!
What you'll need
- Rope/Yarn for the rainbow (we used 3 strands doubled up)
- Yarn for wrapping rainbow( as many colours as you'd like for your rainbow, we've used 3)
- Floristry/ bendy wire. (one length for each arch)
- Scissors
- Needle and thread (eyelet should be big enough to thread your yarn through)
- A little helper
Let's get started!
For this rainbow we've used 3 pieces of thick yarn grouped together.

The wire gives your rainbow the arch shape.
Wrap your yarn around the rope/yarn and wire.
You can tie a knot at the beginning or just hold securely in place.

In the picture I have wrapped it three times.

you can adjust the shape here before you sew together.

of one arch, secure the thread with a knot and sew the
rainbow together, keeping the arch shape as you go.
Make sure to tie a secure knot at the end.

desired length. Add a little strand of yarn at the top for hanging.

the house and the memories of creating something together.

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